Classroom to Career Hub Events
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Diane McGrew
Room AES 460
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The AMS Internship program has been designed to help you connect the knowledge and skills you have learned in the classroom with the demands of real-world employers. The internship is a unique opportunity for you to gain valuable work experience while receiving school credit towards graduation. If you wish to do an internship at a site where you are currently employed, the AMS Internship must differ from your normal work activities and you must complete a project above and beyond your usual job responsibilities.
An internship is meant to be a learning experience over a period of time, typically over an entire semester. It is important to plan ahead and work towards securing an internship starting 4-6 months before the semester in which you want to do the internship. AMSI highly encourages each student to plan to complete an internship over a semester period in order to achieve the full work experience. It isn’t just about the number of hours you work; it should be a meaningful experience that exposes you to the industry in which you would like to enter for your career.
The Advanced Manufacturing Sciences Institute does not place a student in an internship. Students are responsible for securing an internship placement, and you must complete a total of 135 hours of internship during the semester.
Shannon Roe at [email protected] with questions and for help with this process.
Summer 2025 Semester
• May 12 – Student complete and submit Application for Academic Credit at least 4 weeks prior to the start of the semester
• June 9 – Summer Semester Starts
• June 13 – Application for Academic Credit deadline for Summer Semester
• August 1 – Student Evaluation due in Career Link
Fall 2025 Semester
Spring 2026 Semester
Summer 2026 Semester
AMS 3980 Industry Internship is an OPTIONAL course that can be selected and completed to satisfy upper-division Advisor Approved Elective requirements. A student can choose up to (12) credit hours of this course throughout their academic career. To choose AMS 3980, please contact the department advisor to discuss the internship and next steps.
AMS 4950 Professional Internship Senior Experience is MANDATORY for all AMS students in order to satisfy graduation requirements. Students with Junior or Senior status may select this course. Please contact the department if you have any challenges in securing an internship.
AMS majors must complete a minimum of 3 credit hours of AMS 4950 Professional Internship.
1 credit hour = 45 work hours
2 credit hours = 90 work hours
3 credit hours = 135 work hours
You should start looking for an internship 6-9 months prior to when you want to start the internship.
Large companies such as Lockheed Martin Space and United Launch Alliance have very formal internship programs. Internships are posted in Career Link in September for summer internships.
Other companies post internships the semester before the internship will start. BAE Systems posts internships at the start of the spring semester for summer internships.
Sophomore Year
Start researching companies you may want to work for. Go to the company websites and see what the company does. Look at the job openings to see the types of positions available and skills and education needed for those positions. See if the company has an internship program and what the process/timeline is. Make a list of companies you would like to intern at. You can find a list of over 200 manufacturing companies with links to their career page at Industry Internships & Jobs
Junior Year
Apply for internships either on Career Link or at the company website. Apply for all internships that interest you.
For help with resumes and interview preparation, contact C2 Hub at (303) 615-1333 or [email protected]
Senior Year
Complete (3) credit hours of AMS 4950 Professional Internship Senior Experience.
It is your responsibility to secure a job/internship to fulfill the internship requirement.
The MSU Denver Classroom to Career Hub (C2 Hub) provides resources to help you find internships and jobs. To get started, visit the Career Readiness page for help on resume writing, interview prep, events, and other job preparation activities.
Search and apply for internships and jobs on Career Link and AMSI’s Industry Jobs and Internships page. Once you are hired by a company for an internship or job, you will then apply for Academic Credit.
You may also look for jobs and internship opportunities on the websites of companies you are interested in. If you find an opportunity that interests you, follow the company’s instructions to apply for the position. You can find a list of over 200 manufacturing companies with links to their career page at Industry Internships & Jobs
If you are selected by the company for an internship or offered a job, you will then login to Career Link and complete the Application for Academic Credit. You will not be able to register for AMS 4950 or AMS 3980 until you have completed the Application for Academic Credit.
Report your weekly internship hours here.
Click Here to Submit Weekly Internship ReportConnects job seekers and students to careers, education planning and support resources.
Explore career possibilities and pathways
Links to manufacturers and aerospace companies nationwide.
Visit C2Hub for career readiness programs.
Joining a professional association as a student member will connect you with professionals and other students on the local and national level. You will have access to thought leaders in your field and potential hiring managers for your next career move, as well as conferences, competitions, events, and scholarships.
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Colorado Space Business Roundtable
PAVE Global (Industrial Design)
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Women in Manufacturing
We are the Advanced Manufacturing Club at MSU Denver. We work on projects like 3D printing, CNC machining, drone printing and programming.
Who: All Majors Welcome
We welcome any and all students. If you are interested in creating we would love to hear from you. Let’s manufacture our future!
Where: AES 160
When: Monday and Wednesdays 2:00 – 3:30pm
• ULA Rocket Competition
• Cube Satellite Prototype
• Plastic Recycling Machine (
Small Projects
• Intro to 3D printing
• Intro to laser engraver/cutting
• Intro to simple electronics i.e. small motors, led lights, etc.
• Intro basic CNC Router
• Misc. i.e. sanding, painting, assembly, etc.